★ Choa Chu Kang ★
Common room/ Choa chukang

$ 500 (single stay)
$ 650 ( two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available...
Common room/ Choa chukang

$ 500 (single stay)
$ 650 ( two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available...
Common room/ Choa chukang

$ 500 (single stay)
$ 650 ( two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available...
Common room/ Choa chukang

$ 500 (single stay)
$ 650 ( two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available...
Common room/ Choa chukang

$ 500 (single stay)
$ 650 ( two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available...
one common air con room at choa chu kang

2-3 min walk from Choa chu kang MRT. Fully furnished with air con,windy .Cooking,High speed internet and home phone available,pub and internet need to share,...
@@ One Female Tenant Near Choa Chu Kang MRT (Bus 67,188) @@

Big Rm
- Female Tenant ( Corner Flat )
- Near with MRT, LRT, Lot-1 Shopping Centre, Wet market
- Aircon + Water Heater + Fibre Broadband
- Nice and Clean...
@@ One Female Tenant Near Choa Chu Kang MRT (Bus 67,188) @@

Big Rm
- Female Tenant ( Corner Flat )
- Near with MRT, LRT, Lot-1 Shopping Centre, Wet market
- Aircon + Water Heater + Fibre Broadband
- Nice and Clean...
one common air con room at choa chu kang

2-3 min walk from Choa chu kang MRT. Fully furnished with air con,windy .Cooking,High speed internet and home phone available,pub and internet need to share,...
Common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang

One common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang,
5min walk to Mrt,
Price included Pub,Internet,aircon,waterheater,
Clean & nice environment,
Cooking not...