★ Choa Chu Kang ★
Common room/ Choa chukang

$ 500 (single stay)
$650 (Two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available on...
@@ One Female Tenant Near Choa Chu Kang MRT (Bus 67,188) @@

Big Rm
- Female Tenant ( Corner Flat )
- Near with MRT, LRT, Lot-1 Shopping Centre, Wet market
- Aircon + Water Heater + Fibre Broadband
- Nice and Clean...
Common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang

One common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang,
5min walk to Mrt,
Price included Pub,Internet,aircon,waterheater,
Clean & nice environment,
Cooking not...
Common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang

One common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang,
5min walk to Mrt,
Price included Pub,Internet,aircon,waterheater,
Clean & nice environment,
Cooking not...
Common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang

One common room for rent at Choa Chu Kang,
5min walk to Mrt,
Price included Pub,Internet,aircon,waterheater,
Clean & nice environment,
Cooking not...
Common room/Choa Chu Kang

$ 500 (single stay)
$650 (Two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available on...
Common room/Choa Chu Kang

$ 500 (single stay)
$650 (Two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available on...
Common room/Choa Chu Kang

$ 500 (single stay)
$650 (Two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available on...
Common room/Choa Chu Kang

$ 500 (single stay)
$650 (Two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available on...
Common room/Choa Chu Kang

$ 500 (single stay)
$650 (Two pax)
Aircon night time.
Cooking Allowed.
Wifi internet Free.
Fully furnished.
- No alcohol is allowed.
- Available on...