★ Braddell ★
One Person in Common Room for rent near Braddell MRT

Near Braddell MRT
High floor , windy, nice view
With Air con and Internet
Cooking allowed ( need to clean after cook)
One person in common
Price is...
Male roommate to share common room at Braddell MRT

Blk 107 , Lor 1 Toapayoh.
Common room to share with another one male working person.
Aircon, fully furnished.
Braddell MRT station entrance is just...
Male roommate to share common room at Braddell MRT

Blk 107 , Lor 1 Toapayoh.
Common room to share with another one male working person.
Aircon, fully furnished.
Braddell MRT station entrance is just...
Male roommate to share common room at Braddell MRT

Blk 107 , Lor 1 Toapayoh.
Common room to share with another one male working person.
Aircon, fully furnished.
Braddell MRT station entrance is just...
Male roommate to share common room at Braddell MRT

Blk 107 , Lor 1 Toapayoh.
Common room to share with another one male working person.
Aircon, fully furnished.
Braddell MRT station entrance is just...
Common Room for rent near Braddell MRT

**Common Room for rent near Braddell MRT**
> Sharing with one roommate S$ 400
Available from 16 Oct 2020
- 400 /person for sharing with one...
Share with One Lady Roommate for rent near Braddell MRT

**Common Room for rent near Braddell MRT**
> Sharing with one roommate S$ 400
Available from 16 Oct 2020
- 400 /person for sharing with one...
HDB Room for rent near Braddell MRT

**HDB Room for rent near Braddell MRT**
> Sharing with one roommate S$ 400
Available from 1 Oct 2020
- 400 /person for sharing with one lady...
Common room to rent at Braddell MRT

Blk 107 , Lor 1 Toapayoh.
Common room for two males.
Aircon, fully furnished.
Braddell MRT station entrance is just downstairs
food court, McDonald,...
Single Room for Long Term

- Single room for those who want to stay privately.
- Price is Negotiable.
- Cooking allowed (need to be clean after cook)
- Near Braddel MRT Station (5...