★ Bukit Gombak ★
@**@**@** Common Room For Rent @ Bukit Gombak **@**@**@

** Couples & 2 males & 2 females .
** With air-con $ 800 .
** Including of Pub & Internet .
** Fully furnished .
** Walking...
:: :: :: Common Room For Rent @ Bukit Gombak :: :: ::

** Couples & 2 males & 2 females .
** With air-con $ 800 .
** Including of Pub & Internet .
** Fully furnished .
** Walking...
:::::::::Common Room For Rent @ Bukit Gombak :::::::::

** Couples & 2 males & 2 females .
** With air-con $ 800 .
** Including of Pub & Internet .
** Fully furnished .
** Walking...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two person for each master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive mansion (2...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two person for each master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive mansion (2...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two person for each master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive mansion (2...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two boy/ couple/ two ladies for master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two boy/ couple/ two ladies for master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two boy/ couple/ two ladies for master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive...
Available one very nice master room with AC and one common room for short or long

-Looking for two boy/ couple/ two ladies for master and common room
-Only 5 mins walk from MRT, very close to Bus stop
-Very nice master room in Executive...