★ Bukit Panjang LRT ★
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discuss.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discuss.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discuss.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discuss.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discuss.Please contect 96745152/93826827.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/aircon/internet/with fully furnished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discus.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple .Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.We can discuss.Need to clean after cooking.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple .Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.We can discuss.Need to clean after cooking.Please contect 93826827/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully furnished.$850.We can discuss.Need to clean after cooking.Please contect 96745152/67662023.
common room for rent at bukit panjang

rent for couple.Including PUB/internet/aircon/with fully funished.$850.Need to clean after cooking.We can discuss.Please contect 96745152/67662023.