Room rent for one person @Chinese Garden
Nearest MRT / LRT: |
MRT / LRT Line: |
Postal Code: |
Price: |
S$ 400 |
Type: |
Gender: |
Male only |
Available From: |
1st December 18 |
Cooking Allowed: |
Yes |
Furnished: |
Fully Furnished |
Contact: |
96137372, 83105337 |
Description: |
Looking for one person to share the room. 10mins walk to Jurong East. အá€á€™á€¹á€á€”္းက်ယ္ပါá€á€šá€¹áŠ á€á€…္á€á€”္း á‚ွစ္ေယာက္ပဲ ေနရမွာပါዠေလေကာင္းေလသန္႔ အလင္းေရာင္ ေကာင္းေကာင္းရပါá€á€šá€¹á‹ á€á€…္အá€á€™á€¹á€œá€¶á€¯á€¸á€™á€½á€¬ á†á€±á€šá€¬á€€á€¹á€•á€² ေနမွာပါዠá€á€…္လ $400 + PUB &Internet sharing Shopping Malls ေá€á€¼á€”ဲ႔လည္း အရမ္းနီးပါá€á€šá€¹á‹ အေသးစá€á€á€¹ သá€á€á€ºá€„္ရင္ ဖုန္းဆက္လá€á€¯á‚”ရပါá€á€šá€¹á‹ ရံုးဆင္းá€á€ºá€á€”္ á‡á€á€¼á€² ေနာက္ပá€á€¯á€„္း အá€á€™á€¹á€œá€¬á¾á€€á€Šá€·á€¹á€œá€á€¯á‚” ရပါá€á€šá€¹á‹ |
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