One female or Two females/ Couple (Long/ Short term)near Boon Lay MRT
Nearest MRT / LRT: |
MRT / LRT Line: |
Postal Code: |
Price: |
S$ 820 |
Type: |
Gender: |
Both Male and/or Female |
Available From: |
1st October 2018 |
Cooking Allowed: |
Yes |
Furnished: |
Fully Furnished |
Contact: |
81112870 |
Description: |
One Female or Two Femals / Couple for rent -Very Near & Just 3 mins walk to Boon lay MRT& Jurong Point Shopping Mall. -24h NTUC. -$820 / $620 included PUB& Internet. - $25 /day for one person(Short term).. . - Air-con is available and High-speed internet (Fibre). - Cooking allowed - Only Two persons use conveniently in common bathroom.(No need to share with other . One common room is rented in 4 rooms flat.). - Available 1st October 2018 -For more Information Please call -81112870,81613105 -Common room မá€á€”္းá€á€±á€œá€¸ á€á€…္ေယာက္ သá€á€¯á‚”မဟုá€á€¹ မá€á€”္းကေလး Ⴀေယာက္လá€á€¯á€•á€«á€á€šá€¹á‹ 4- Room HDB flat မွာ အá€á€”္းá€á€…္á€á€”္း ထ ဲငွားá€á€¬á€™á€á€¯á€· အလုပ္သြားá€á€«á€”ီး ေရá€á€ºá€á€³á€¸á€á€”္း အá€á€™á€¹á€žá€¬ နွစ္ေယာက္သာရွယ္ရá€á€¬á€™á€á€¯á€· အဆင္ေျပေစပါá€á€šá€¹á‹ မီးဖá€á€¯á€±á€á€ºá€¬á€„္လဲ လူမရွုá€á€¹á€•á€«á‹ အá€á€”္းလာျကည့္ဖá€á€¯á€· ဖá€á€á€¹á€±á€ášá€•á€«á€á€šá€¹á‹. -မá€á€žá€¬á€¸á€…ု လá€á€¯á€€á€¹ အလည္လာသူမ်ား á€á€á€”္းထဲ á€á€Šá€¹á€¸á‚á€á€¯á€„္ေအာင္ စီစဥ္ေပးပါá€á€šá€¹áŠ အá€á€ºá€€á€¹á€¡á€á€ºá€¬á€€á€ºá€±á€žá€¬ Jurong Point Shopping Mall, 24Hour NTUC, Boon Lay MRT နဲ႔ Bus Interchange အနီးá€á€¼á€„္ရá€á€½á အလြန္အဆင္ေျပေသာေနရာ ပါአလာေရာက္ á€á€Šá€¹á€¸á€á€á€¯á€›á€”္ ဖá€á€á€¹á€±á€ášá€•á€«á€á€šá€¹áŠ |
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