Very near to Ang Mo Kio Mrt and just walking distance
Nearest MRT / LRT: |
MRT / LRT Line: |
Postal Code: |
Price: |
S$ 350 |
Type: |
Gender: |
Female only |
Available From: |
immediate |
Cooking Allowed: |
Yes |
Furnished: |
Fully Furnished |
Contact: |
84584844 |
Description: |
မá€á€”္းကေလးသီးသန္႔ ျဖစ္á¿á€•á€®á€¸ နံရံကပ္ဗီá‚á€á€¯á€™á€ºá€¬á€¸ ပါá€á€„္ေသာေá¾á€€á€¬á€„့္ အá€á€”္း ပá€á€¯á€€á€ºá€šá€¹ ပါသည္á‹á€á€±á€šá€¬á€€á€¹á€¡á€á€•á€¹á€™á€á€¯á‚”ယာအထူ with springs and သီးသန္႔ ကုá€á€„္á€á€œá€¶á€¯á€¸á€…ီ, laptop စားပဲြ ,etc Ang Mo Kio Mrt သá€á€¯á‚” အမá€á€¯á€¸á€±á€¡á€¬á€€á€¹á€™á€½ 10 မá€á€”စ္ á€á€”္႔ လမ္းေလ်ာက္ လွ်င္ေရာက္ á¿á€•á€®á€¸ ,bus စီးလွ်င္ Bishan Mrt သá€á€¯á‚” 8 မá€á€”စ္ , Serangoon Mrt သá€á€¯á‚” 15 မá€á€”စ္á€á€”္႔ ျဖင့္ေရာက္ á‚á€á€¯á€„္ပါသည္. One common room with aircon for rent . Looking for two ladies or three ladies to share at big and spacious common room . ( one room two people or three people sharing ) Can cook but need to clean after cook . $350/450 per person ( inclusive electricity ), no need to pay for PUB or internet. Aircon room and fully furnished with water heater , thick and cozy mattress . Built-in wardrobes. Only for ladies and warmly welcome for people who like to stay for Long term ,comfortable and quiet.Very neat and tidy . ( no men or no couples, no children) Windy and corner unit . lift level and mid floor . Just few minutes walking distance to Ang Mo Kio Mrt .3 bus stops to Bishan and 6 bus stops Serangoon Mrt . Direct bus to Changi Airport . 5 minutes walking distance to wet market and supermarket ,ATM machines and food court . 10 min walking distance to Swimming pool complex and Bishan park . Very near to Ang Mo Kio industrial park 1 & 2. SingTel postpaid customer , စာá€á€ºá€³á€•á€¹ ျဖင့္ လá€á€°á€„္း ဖုန္း ယူ ထား သူ မ်ား အá€á€¼á€€á€¹ လစဥ္ $30 off လည္း ရွီပါ သည္ Please call to view as any time . |
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