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buying KILO (06-03-2013) * read inside for more detial *
Posted on 3 Mar 2013 5:58 pm | Viewed 245 times
Buy/Sell Kilos  
I am going back on 06-march, with MAI 2pm flight
I am looking for someone who is going back to yangon with normal passport visa.

EG. * canceled the pass in SG and go back to yangon or come singapore to visit and going back to yangon * ( not someone who has staying pass in singapore ) .

I bought one keyboard which cost abt 4-5k sgd and want to claim back the GST when i leave to singapore.

basically all u need to do is flash ur passport and airticket before checking in at airport and also after you recieved your boarding pass. I will settle the other thing.

to compromise the deal , LOOKING TO PAY 50$ for it.

contact me for more details at 84822784.
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